Dr. Samara “Sam” Buhn has developed a unique virus capable of crossing over from computers to humans known as Atheonóa Protocol. Once in a human host, the virus begins to re-write the DNA, in a twisted form of genetic re-engineering. 12 hours after infection, the host human no longer exists as they once did, having transformed into an organic android.
Anticipating the misuse of her work, Buhn created a counterprotocol, Namshub. Once introduced to an infected organism, Namshub resets the original DNA in a painful, life-threatening process.
Buhn, The Atheonóa Protocol, and Namshub have all gone missing. There is no record of her leaving Tyberius IV, the space station where her lab is located. It is assumed she is still there, but contact with the lab has been lost. A group of investigators are sent to investigate and retrieve samples.
Mothership 1e
Todd A. Mayville
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